
  1. ANSI C++ can handle sequences of characters called strings.

  2. Strings behave like (but are actually not) a build-in data type such as int or double. They are actually objects of the C++ standard string class (more on that a couple of months from now).

  3. The syntax for declaring an object of type string is:

    string stringName;

  4. You must include the header file <string> in order to use the strings.

  5. The string class overloads the = operator to copy one string of any length into another. (More about overloading operators in CS1124.) For example:

    stringName = "The 3 rings associated with marriage are: engagement ring, wedding ring, and suffering."

  6. cin and cout, together with the operators >> and <<, are overloaded to perform input and output of strings. cin >> ignores leading whitespaces and reads up to the next whitespace (but does not consume that whitespace). Reading strings this way actually reads words (a sequence of non-whitespace characters) and not lines.

  7. To illustrate the usage of some of the features about the string class, consider the following code:

    #include <iostream>
    #include <string>
    using namespace std;

    int main( )
    string compoundWord, word1, word2;
    cout << "Enter two separate words: ";
    cin >> word1 >> word2;
    compoundWord = word1 + word2;
    cout << "These words joined together form the string: " << compoundWord << endl;

    return 0;

    Two words entered from the keyboard are stored separately in strings word1 and word2. They are then concatenated (joined together) by the overloaded operator "+", and assigned to the string compoundWord. The result is then output to the screen.