The While-Loop

  1. The syntax of the while-loop is:

    while (Boolean_Expression)

    The execution sequence of the while-loop is as follows:

    • First the Boolean-Expression is test, if it is true, the loop statement is executed
    • The Boolean_expression is then retested
    • The loop statement is executed as long as (while) the Boolean_Expression is true.
    • When the Boolean_expression is tested and found to be false, the while-loop is exited and the next program statement after the while-loop is executed.

  2. Note that if the Boolean_expression evaluates to false when the while-loop begin, then the loop body is never executed.

  3. // Illustration of the use of the while-loop
    // The user first enters two integers
    // and then types in the answer for the sum of the integers.
    // If the answer is correct, then the program responds
    // with an encouraging statement.
    // The program should not end until the correct answer is entered.

    #include <iostream>
    using namespace std;

    int main ( )
         int Num1, Num2, CorrectAnswer, Input;
         cout << "Type 2 integers separated by a space and press enter: ";
         cin >> Num1 >> Num2;
         CorrectAnswer = Num1 + Num2;
         cout << "Add up " << Num1 << " and " << Num2
                 << " and enter your answer: ";
         cin >> Input;

         while (Input != CorrectAnswer)
          cout << "Your answer is incorrect!\n";
          cout << "Please re-calculate the sum of " << Num1
                 << " and " << Num2 << " and re-enter the result: ";
          cin >> Input;

    cout << "Grrreat! Your answer is corrrect!" << endl;
    return 0;
    } //end main

    The following shows an example of the dialogue:

    Type 2 integers separated by a space and press enter: 11 6
    Add up 11 and 6 and enter your answer: 2
    Your answer is incorrect!
    Please re-calculate the sum of 11 and 6 and reenter the result: -23
    Your answer is incorrect!
    Please re-calculate the sum of 11 and 6 and reenter the result: 17
    Grrreat! Your answer is corrrect!

  4. The following example is from the textbook:

    #include <iostream>
    using namespace std;

    int main( )
        double balance = 50.00;
        int count = 0;

        cout << "This program tells you how long it takes\n"
           << "to accumulate a debt of $100, starting with\n"
           << "an initial balance of $50 owed.\n"
           << "The interest rate is 2% per month.\n";

        while (balance < 100.00)
        balance = balance + 0.02 * balance;

        cout << "After " << count << " months,\n";
        cout << "your balance due will be $" << balance << endl;

        return 0;

  5. // An example of a sentinel-controlled while-loop
    // The program asks the user to enter the final exam score
    // for each of the student in a class,
    // and then computes the average score for the class.
    // As usual, there are always some students who did not take the exam
    // (bad students), and the professor is lazy and does not want to count
    // the number of exam scores before entering them (bad professor).
    // To compute the class average, we can declare a variable, say sum,
    // to represent the sum of the scores, and initialize it to 0.
    // After reading each score from the keyboard, it is added to sum.
    // After we are done reading all the scores, we need to divide the sum
    // by the total number of scores. We can obtain that number if we use a
    // counter which is initialized to 0 and is incremented by 1
    // after a score is read.
    // The remaining challenge is to come up with a way to know when
    // to stop the loop.
    // One way to get around the problem is to use a unique data value,
    // called the sentinel value, as the last data item.
    // Here we use a score of -1 as the sentinel value,
    // since we believe exam scores cannot be negative
    // no matter how crazy the professor may be.

    #include <iostream>
    using namespace std;

    int main ( )
         const int SENTINEL = -1;
         int count = 0, sum = 0, score;
         float average;

         cout << "Enter scores one at a time as requested.\n";
         cout << "When done, enter " << SENTINEL << " to stop.\n";
         cout << "Enter the first score: ";
         cin >> score;
         while (score != SENTINEL)
             sum += score;
             cout << "Enter the next score: ";
             cout << "When done, enter " << SENTINEL << " to stop.\n";
             cin >> score;
         } // end while

         if (count==0)
            cout << "You didn't enter a meaningful number.\n"
                << "No average is computed.\n";
            // compute the class average
            average = float(sum)/float(count);
            // output the results
            cout << count << " exam scores were processed.\n";
            cout << "Average score is: " << average << endl;

         return 0;
    } //end main