Predefining Cstring Functions
In addition to strcpy and strcmp, the header file cstring contains a few more commonly used functions.
The function strlen returns an integer equal to the length of the cstring in its argument, not counting the null character.
The function strcat(TargetString, SrcString) concatenates (joins together) the cstring value SrcString onto the end of the cstring TargetString. The first argument must be a cstring and the second argument can be anything that evaluates to a cstring value, such as a quoted string.
Here is an example:
char string1[50] = "Have you ever seen a man";
strcat(string1, "eating chicken?");
This code will change the value of string1 to:
"Have you ever seen a maneating chicken?"
Note that the words "man" and "eating" are concatenated with no space between them.
This careless usage of the strcat function has turned an ordinary question into a more interesting one.
The danger associated with the function strcpy and strcat is that most C++ compiler let you assign a string that is too long for the cstring variable receiving the value.
For example the following code may not produce an error message:
char shortString[8];
strcpy(shortString, "Here Comes The Sun!");
char string1[ ] = "Problem,";
strcat(string1, " for sure!");