CS1114 - Introduction to Programming
Section A, Fall 2005
This is the CS1114 experienced
section, designed for students who have some experience in a
programming language (which may or may not be C++). The lectures
may cover slightly more advanced topics and may be conducted at a
faster pace, especially during the first several weeks. Students
in this section, however, will be taking the same laboratories,
examinations and finals, and will be graded together with all the
other students.
Course Information
Official Website for all sections of CS1114:
Office Hours:
Monday: 2 - 3 pm
Tuesday: 10 - 11 am
Thursday: 1 - 2 pm
LC 127
Email address:
(Due to a PeopleSoft mistake, kleung@poly.edu is not one of my email addresses!)
My lecture notes:
[My home page]