Global Constants and Global Variables
- A constant which is needed in more than one functions can be declared
a global constant by declaring it a constant using the reserve word
const, initializing it and
placing it outside of the body of all the functions, including the
main function.
According to standard practice global constant declarations are placed
after preprocessor directives and before function prototypes.
The value of a global constant can be accessed by all of the functions.
It is possible to declare global variables which are accessible to
all the functions.
Global variable are declare just like any ordinary variable, except that
the declaration must be placed outside the body of all the functions,
preferably after preprocessor directives and before function prototypes.
However, there is seldom any need to use global variables.
Global variables often make a program hard to read and debugged,
and are often the signs of very bad program designs.
You should not use them without a written consent from your
parents or guardians.