Examples of Programs Having Loops and Branches
Our typical exams have two parts. Part 1 contains short questions of the form like the "self-test exercises"
that you find in the textbook. A good way to study for this type of problems is to go through the
"self-test exercises", and check with the solutions that are also provided. Part 2 requires you to write full-length programs like those you have been doing for your homework assignments. Examples of such problems can be found in the textbook under the heading: "Programming Projects".
Here are three examples of full-length programs involving loops and branches.
// A computer game in which the player has 6 chances to guess at
// a secret number randomly picked between 1 and 6 by the program.
// Use is made of a predefined function rand().
// Each call to rand() returns an integer randomly distributed
// between 0 and 32767 (= 2^15 - 1, a predefined constant RAND_MAX).
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main ( )
// Initialize variables
int solution, // the secret number
guess, // the number picked by the player
loop; // the loop control variable
// Generate a number between 1 and 6 randomly
// Note: the number given by rand( ) % 6 is always between 0 and 5
solution = rand( ) % 6 + 1;
for ( loop = 1; loop <= 6; loop++)
// Enter a number from the keyboard
cout << "Enter a number between 1 and 6: ";
cin >> guess;
// See if the player picks the correct number
if (guess == solution)
// Correct number
cout << "You've guessed the right number after "
<< loop << " trial(s).\n";
return 0; // Game is over, quit program immediately
// Incorrect number
cout << "The number is not correct. Please try again.\n";
}// end for loop
cout << "You had 6 trials to guess at a number between 1 and 6,\n"
<< "and you still have not come up with the correct number.\n"
<< "You must be really really stupid!\n";
} // end of main
// Program to compute the exponential function of a real value x.
// Algorithm: uses the series representation of the exponential function:
// exp(x) = 1 + x + x^2/2! + x^3/3! + ... + x^m/m! + ...
// For given values of x and m, where m(=20) is the last term to be summed,
// sum the series and compare with the exact result.
// Display the results for k=1, 2, ..., 20.
// Let the user input the value of x, and allow the user to re-calculate
// for any other values of x.
// Version 1: sum up to the mth term with no tolerance checking.
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath> // needed for the exponential function exp( )
using namespace std;
int main ( )
int k, // loop index
m = 20; // maximum number of loops
double x, // value of x
xk, // x to the power k
sum, // sum of series
fac, // factorial of k: k!
expx; // exact value of exp(x)
char key; // character key to see if user wants to continue
//cout.setf(ios::scientific); // use scientific notation
cout.setf(ios::fixed|ios::showpoint); // fixed point & show decimal point
cout.precision(6); // show 6 decimal places
sum = 1.0; // reset sum to 1
xk = 1.0; // reset xk to 1
fac = 1.0; // reset k! to 1
cout << "Enter the value of x: ";
cin >> x;
expx = exp(x); // exact value for exp(x)
for (k = 1; k <= m; k++)
xk *= x; // compute x^k
fac *= double(k); // compute k!
sum += xk / fac; // compute & accumulate x^k / k!
cout << k << ' ' << sum << ' ' << expx << endl;
cout << "Enter \'Y\' or \'y\' to continue,\n"
<< "or any other key to quit: ";
cin >> key;
} while (key == 'Y' || key == 'y');
}// end of main
// Program to compute the exponential function of a real value x.
// Algorithm: uses the series representation of the exponential function:
// exp(x) = 1 + x + x^2/2! + x^3/3! + ... + x^m/m! + ...
// For given values of x and m, where m(=20) is the last term to be summed,
// sum the series and compare with the exact result.
// Display the results for k=1, 2, ..., 20.
// Let the user input the value of x, and allow the user to re-calculate
// for any other values of x.
// This second version stops summing the series as soon as we reach a term
// that contributes less than 1 part in a million to the series.
// Note that fabs(x) is a predefined function (in cmath) that
// takes the absolute value of a float.
// Version 2: sum up to the mth term or till the error tolerance is met.
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath> // needed for the exponential function exp( )
using namespace std;
int main ( )
int k, // loop index
m = 20; // maximum number of loops
double x, // value of x
xk, // x to the power k
sum, // sum of series
dsum, // keep tract of the next contribution to the sum
fac, // factorial of k: k!
expx; // exact value of exp(x)
char key; // character key to see if user wants to continue
//cout.setf(ios::scientific); // use scientific notation
cout.setf(ios::fixed|ios::showpoint); // fixed point & show decimal point
cout.precision(6); // show 6 decimal places
sum = 1.0; // reset sum to 1
dsum = 1.0; // reset dsum to 1
xk = 1.0; // reset xk to 1
fac = 1.0; // reset k! to 1
cout << "Enter the value of x: ";
cin >> x;
expx = exp(x); // exact value for exp(x)
for (k = 1; k <= m && fabs(dsum) > 1e-6; k++)
xk *= x; // compute x^k
fac *= double(k); // compute k!
dsum = xk / fac; // next contribution to the sum
sum += dsum; // compute & accumulate x^k / k!
cout << k << ' ' << sum << ' ' << expx << endl;
cout << "Enter \'Y\' or \'y\' to continue,\n"
<< "or any other key to quit: ";
cin >> key;
} while (key == 'Y' || key == 'y');
}// end of main
// Program to compute the exponential function of a real value x.
// Algorithm: uses the series representation of the exponential function:
// exp(x) = 1 + x + x^2/2! + x^3/3! + ... + x^m/m! + ...
// For given values of x and m, where m(=20) is the last term to be summed,
// sum the series and compare with the exact result.
// Display the results for k=1, 2, ..., 20.
// Let the user input the value of x, and allow the user to re-calculate
// for any other values of x.
// This second version stops summing the series as soon as we reach a term
// that contributes less than 1 part in a million to the series.
// Note that fabs(x) is a predefined function (in cmath) that
// takes the absolute value of a float.
// Version 3: much more efficient handling of the basic loop.
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath> // needed for the exponential function exp( )
using namespace std;
const double TOLERANCE(1e-6); // sum is stopped when magnitude of new term < TOLERANCE
int main ( )
int k, // loop index
m = 20; // maximum number of loops
double x, // value of x
sum, // sum of series
dsum, // keep tract of the next contribution to the sum
expx; // exact value of exp(x)
char key; // character key to see if user wants to continue
//cout.setf(ios::scientific); // use scientific notation
cout.setf(ios::fixed|ios::showpoint); // fixed point & show decimal point
cout.precision(6); // show 6 decimal places
sum = 1.0; // reset sum to 1
dsum = 1.0; // reset dsum to 1
cout << "Enter the value of x: ";
cin >> x;
expx = exp(x); // exact value for exp(x)
for (k = 1; k <= m && fabs(dsum) > TOLERANCE; k++)
dsum *= x / k; // next contribution to the sum
sum += dsum; // compute & accumulate x^k / k!
cout << k << ' ' << sum << ' ' << expx << endl;
cout << "Enter \'Y\' or \'y\' to continue,\n"
<< "or any other key to quit: ";
cin >> key;
} while (key == 'Y' || key == 'y');
}// end of main