// A file whose name is input from the keyboard is created.
// The total number of integers wanted is input from the keyboard.
// Random integers are created and are placed in the file
// after it has been opened for output.
// This same file is then reopened, but for input this time.
// The integers are read in and the number of integers is counted.
// Another function computes the sum and the total number of integers read.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
void createFile(string fileName, int size);
// create a file whose name is given by the string fileName
// and place random integers into the file.
// The number of integers is given by size.
// The file is closed at the end.
void total(string fileName, int& sum, int& Count);
// open a file whose name is given by the string fileName
// Compute the sum of the numbers in the file
// return the number of integers read.
// We imagine that the total number of integers in that file is unknown.
// The file is closed at the end.
int main( )
string FileName;
int Size, Sum = 0, Count = 0;
cout << "Enter the name of the file you want to create: ";
cin >> FileName;
cout << "Enter the number of random numbers you want in the file: ";
cin >> Size;
createFile(FileName, Size);
total(FileName, Sum, Count);
cout << "The sum is: " << Sum << endl;
cout << "The number of integers read is: " << Count << endl;
if (Count != 0)
cout << "The average number is: " << double(Sum)/double(Count) << endl;
cout << "The average is meaningless since there is no number in the file!"
<< endl;
return 0;
void createFile(string fileName, int size)
ofstream outs;
int count = 0;
outs.open(fileName.c_str( ));
if (outs.fail())
cout << "Problem opening the file: " << fileName
<< " to output the random numbers.'\n'";
// Should not use a do-loop since the file may be empty!
while (count < size)
outs << rand( ) << endl;
outs.close( );
void total(string fileName, int& sum, int& count)
ifstream ins;
int number;
ins.open(fileName.c_str( ));
if (ins.fail())
cout << "Problem opening the file: " << fileName
<< " to input the random numbers. '\n'";
while( ins >> number )
cout << number << endl;
sum += number;
ins.close( );