When to Use Call-by-Value and Call-by-Reference?
The following guidelines will help you decide the choice between using call-by-value and call-by-reference arguments in your functions.
If an argument is needed to pass a value into a function and the value of its corresponding formal parameter is not returned by the function to the calling function, it is called an input argument. An input argument should be a value argument. This protects the actual argument's value from getting altered by the function. For example, see the "showResults" function.
If an argument has no value when the function is called, but its corresponding formal argument acquires a value when the function is executed, and that value must be communicated back to the calling function, then that argument is called an output argument. An output argument should be a reference argument. For example, see the "getNumbers" function. (Alternatively that value can also be returned as the value of the function).
If an argument passes a value to the function when the function is called, and that value is modified within the function and must be communicated back to the calling function, it is called an input/output (or inout) argument. An inout argument should be a reference argument. For example, see the "swapValues" function.