File Names as Input

In file I/O, sometimes we want to input the name of a file from the keyboard. This can be done using a string (object).

  1. A string is an object containing a sequence of characters.

  2. We need to declare a variable to hold a string. This can be done by the declaration:

    string filename;

    which can hold a string containing any number of characters.

  3. Strings will be dealt with in greater depth in ch. 8.

  4. There is one complication when a string is used to store the name of a file which will be attached to a file for input or output. This is due to the fact that the argument of the member function open must be a cstring and not a string object.

  5. Fortunately a string object has a member function c_str( ) which can be used to convert the string object into a cstring.

  6. An example is shown as follows:
    //Read three numbers from the file specified by the user, add up the
    //numbers, and write the sum to another file specified by the user.
    #include <fstream>
    #include <iostream>
    #include <string>
    #include <cstdlib>
    using namespace std;

    int main( )
        int first, second, third;
        // declare 2 character arrays for the input and output file names
        string in_file_name, out_file_name;
        ifstream in_stream;
        ofstream out_stream;

        cout << "I will sum three numbers taken from an input\n"
              << "file and write the sum to an output file.\n";
        cout << "Enter the input file name (with no spaces):\n";
        cin >> in_file_name;
        cout << "Enter the output file name (with no spaces):\n";
        cin >> out_file_name;
        cout << "I will read numbers from the file "
              << in_file_name << " and\n"
              << "place the sum in the file "
              << out_file_name << endl; ));
        if ( ))
              cout << "Input file opening failed.\n";
           } ));
        if ( ))
              cout << "Output file opening failed.\n";
              in_stream.close( );        // otherwise you exit the program without closing
                                                     // the input file!

        in_stream >> first >> second >> third;
        out_stream << "The sum of the first 3\n"
              << "numbers in " << in_file_name << endl
              << "is " << (first + second + third)
              << endl;

        in_stream.close( );
        out_stream.close( );

        cout << "End of Program.\n";
        return 0;
    } //end main