function z = Broyden(fcn,x,tol)
% Broyden method for the roots of
% a set of nonlinear equations
% Requires no explicit computation of Jacobian
% fcn = string containing the name of the function (vector)
% x = an iniatial guess (vector)
% tol = the tolerance
% Usage z = Broyden('fcnEg5p15',[1; 2],1e-12)
% See example 5.16 on p.242 of Heath
% This version requires only O(n^2) arithmetic operations/loop.
% K. Ming Leung, 02/21/03
maxIt = 20;
it = 0; err = 1;
% Replace the above line by the following line
% if a function to compute the Jacobian is available.
%B = feval('fcnJEg5p15',x); A=inv(B);
f = feval(fcn,x);
s = -A*f;
% Change in the root
n2 = s.'*s;
% Norm squared
x = x+s;
% Next approximation to the root
while it < maxIt & sqrt(n2) > tol
f = feval(fcn,x);
u = A*f;
v = s.'*A;
d = 1/(n2+s.'*u);
A = A-d*u*v;
s = -A*f;
n2 = s.'*s;
x = x+s,
it = it+1;
z = x;