% Newton iteration (quadratic convergence)
% See example 5.10 on p.230 of Heath
% K. Ming Leung, 02/13/03

clear all; format long;
tol=eps; % set tolerance to machine epsilon
x=3; % initial guess for the root
dx=1; % change in x
result=[]; % to store all intermediate results
loop=0; % loop count
while abs(dx)> tol;
    fx=x*x-4*sin(x); % function of interest
    fp=2*x-4*cos(x); % derivative of the function
    dx=-fx/fp; % change in x
    result=[result; [loop x fx fp dx]];
    x=x+dx; % the next value of x
    loop=loop+1; % increment loop counter
display(result); % display final result