When you use arrays as arguments in a formula, all your arrays should have the same dimensions.

If the dimensions of your array arguments or array ranges do not match, Excel often expands the arguments.

For example, to multiply all the values in cells A1:B5 by 10, you can use either of the following array formulas: { =A1:B5*10} or { ={ 1,2;3,4;5,6;7,8;9,10} *10}. Note that these two formulas are not balanced; 10 values are on the left side of the multiplication operator but only one is on the right. Excel expands the second argument to match the size and shape of the first.

In the preceding example, the first formula is equivalent to { =A1:B5*{ 10,10;10,10;10,10;10,10;10,10} } and the second is equivalent to { ={ 1,2;3,4;5,6;7,8;9,10} *{ 10,10;10,10;10,10;10,10;10,10} }.

When you work with two or more sets of multivalue arrays, each set must have the same number of rows as the argument with the greatest number of rows and the same number of columns as the argument with the greatest number of columns.