An error value is the result of a formula that Excel can’t resolve. The seven error values these corresponding causes are described as follows.

#DIV/0! -- You attempted to divide a number by zero. This error usually occurs when you create a formula with a divisor that refers to a blank cell.

#NAME? -- You entered a name in a formula that isn’t in the Define Name dialog box list. You might have mistyped the name or typed a deleted name. Excel also displays this error value if you do not enclose a text string in quotation marks.

#VALUE -- You entered a mathematical formula that refers to a text entry.

#REF! -- You deleted a range of cells whose references are included in a formula.

#N/A -- No information is available for the calculation you want to perform. When building a model, you can type #N/A in a cell to show that you are awaiting data. Any formulas that reference cells containing the #N/A value return #N/A.

#NUM! -- You provided an invalid argument to a worksheet function. #NUM! can indicate also that the result of a formula is too large or too small to be represented in the worksheet.

#NULL! -- You included a space between two ranges in a formula to indicate an intersection, but the ranges have no common cells.