When you recorded the MyPolyAddress macro earlier, you placed the macro
in a module that belongs to the active workbook. A macro that has been placed in a module
is available only when the workbook containing the module is open.
To make a macro available at all times, store it in the Personal Macro Workbook.
This workbook
is normally hidden; you can unhide it by choosing Window, Unhide and selecting
Personal in the Unhide dialog box.
If you don’t see the Personal file in the Unhide dialog
box, or if the Unhide command is unavailable, you have not yet created a Personal Macro
Workbook. To create one, begin recording a macro, as described earlier in this chapter, and
select the Personal Macro Workbook option in the Record New Macro dialog box. Excel
creates the Personal Macro Workbook and places its file (Personal.xls) in the XLStart folder.
Excel opens Personal.xls, as it does any other file in the XLStart folder, each time you start
Excel. Because the Personal Macro Workbook is always available when you work in Excel, it’s
a good place to record macros that you want to be able to use in any workbook.