Using Functions
Using Excelfs Built-In Function
Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 401
Installing the Analysis ToolPak . . . . . . . 403
Exploring the Syntax of Functions . . . . . 404
Inserting Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 406
Worksheet functions are special tools that perform complex calculations quickly and easily.
They work like the special keys on sophisticated calculators that compute square roots, logarithms,
and statistical evaluations.except that Microsoft Excel has hundreds of these special
functions. Some functions, such as SIN and FACT, are the equivalent of lengthy mathematical
formulas that you would otherwise have to create by hand. Other functions, such as IF
and VLOOKUP, canft be otherwise duplicated by formulas. When none of the built-in functions
is quite what you need, you can create custom functions, as explained in Chapter 32,
gCreating Custom Functions.h
Using Excelfs Built-In Function Reference
While preparing this book, we had to make some tough choices. Fully describing each of the
hundreds of worksheet functions would fill an entire book.or two, perhaps. To provide the
greatest benefit, we had to decide which functions to focus on and which to mention only
briefly. Admittedly, we tend to devote more ink to financial, information, and lookup functions
than we do to engineering or trigonometric functions. We think this makes sense for
the majority of our readers. If you need more information about functions that we do not
cover in great detail, Excel offers several built-in resources:
The online Help system. The online Help system includes a detailed description of
each worksheet function. Just press F1 to display the Microsoft Excel Help task pane,
and then type a function name into the Search box to find all the relevant Help topics.
You can also click the Table of Contents link in the task pane, click on Working With
Data, and then select the Function Reference, where the functions are grouped into
functional categories to help you find the one you need, as shown in Figure 13-1.
The Insert Function dialog box. This dialog box, shown in Figure 13-5 on page 406,
can be used to search through the entire list of functions if youfre not sure which function
you need. To display the Insert Function dialog box, click the Insert Function
button in the formula bar.
The Function Arguments dialog box. This dialog box, shown in Figure 13-2, provides
details about the function, and the required arguments appear in the middle of
the dialog box. Notice that there is also a link to the relevant Help topic at the bottom
of the dialog box. To display the Function Arguments dialog box, first select a cell containing
a function and then click the Insert Function button on the formula bar. You
can also click the Insert Function button while you are in the process of entering a formula
after you type in a valid function name and an open parenthesis.
f13ie02 Figure 13-2. Click the Insert Function button for instant assistance with an
existing function or to find a function that fills your need.
Insert Function button
Function ScreenTips. These (yellow tags that appear below formulas) are useful if
you are unsure about the syntax of a function as you enter a formula, and you can get
help without even leaving the cell. After you type the required open parenthesis following
any valid function name, the appropriate ScreenTip appears, as shown in Figure
13-3. The ScreenTip shows you the correct function syntax and also includes a link to
the Help topic on the selected function. Just click the function name in the ScreenTip
to display the relevant topic from the online Help system. If you click an argument
name in the ScreenTip, the corresponding section of the formula is highlighted for
you, making it easy to identify each argument, as shown in Figure 13-3. (To turn off
this feature, choose Tools, Options, click the General tab, and under Settings, clear the
Function ScreenTips check box.)
Installing the Analysis ToolPak
When you install Excel, the most commonly used functions are installed as well. However,
there are additional functions available in the Analysis ToolPak, a set of add-in tools and
functions designed for data analysis. This add-in includes a number of excellent worksheet
functions that become available through the Insert Function dialog box, and some sophisticated,
macro-based, statistical analysis tools.
To see if you have the Analysis ToolPak installed, go to the Tools menu. If the Data Analysis
command is there (you might have to double-click the menu name to expand it to its full
size), then youre good to go. The Data Analysis dialog box is shown on the right in Figure 13-4.
If the Data Analysis command isnt on your Tools menu, choose Tools, Add-Ins. If Analysis
ToolPak is on the list of available add-ins, select it, and then click OK to install them. If the
Analysis ToolPak isnt in the list of available add-ins, youll need to run Setup to install it.
For more information on the Analysis ToolPak, see Chapter 17, Functions for Analyzing Statistics. For
more about Setup, see Appendix A, Installing Microsoft Excel.
Exploring the Syntax of Functions
Worksheet functions have two parts: the name of the function and the argument(s) that follow.
Function namessuch as SUM and AVERAGEdescribe the operation that the function
performs. Arguments specify the values or cells to be used by the function. For example,
the function ROUND has the following syntax: =ROUND(number, num_digits) as in the
formula =ROUND(M30,2). The M30 is a cell reference entered as the number argument
the value to be rounded. The 2 is the num_digits argument. The result of this function is a
number (whatever M30 happens to be) rounded to two decimal places.
Parentheses surround function arguments. The opening parenthesis must appear immediately
after the name of the function. If you add a space or some other character between the
name and the opening parenthesis, the error value #NAME? appears in the cell.
Note A few functions, such as PI, TRUE, and NOW have no arguments. (These functions
are usually nested in other formulas.) Even though they have no arguments, they must be
followed by an empty set of parentheses, as in =NOW( ).
When you use more than one argument in a function, you separate the arguments with commas.
For example, the formula =PRODUCT(C1,C2,C5) tells Excel to multiply the numbers
in cells C1, C2, and C5. Some functions, like PRODUCT and SUM, take an unspecified number
of arguments. You can use as many as 30 arguments in a function, as long as the total
length of the formula does not exceed 1,024 characters. However, you can use a single argument,
or a range that refers to any number of cells in your worksheet, as a formula. For example,
the function =SUM(A1:A5,C2:C10,D3:D17) has only three arguments but actually
totals the values in 29 cells. (The first argument, A1:A5, refers to the range of five cells from
A1 through A5, and so on.) The referenced cells can, in turn, also contain formulas that refer
to more cells or ranges.
Expressions as Arguments
You can use combinations of functions to create an expression that Excel evaluates
to a single value and then interprets as an argument. For example, in the formula
=SUM(SIN(A1*PI( )),2*COS(A2*PI( ))) the comma separates two complex expressions
that are evaluated and used as the arguments of the SUM function.
Types of Arguments
In the examples presented so far, all the arguments have been cell or range references. You can
also use numbers, text, logical values, range names, arrays, and error values as arguments.
Numeric Values
The arguments to a function can be numeric. For example, the SUM function in the formula
=SUM(327,209,176) adds the numbers 327, 209, and 176. Usually, however, you enter the
numbers you want to use in cells of a worksheet and then use references to those cells as arguments
to your functions.
Text Values
You can also use text as an argument to a function. For example, in the formula
=TEXT(NOW( ),"mmm d, yyyy") in the second argument to the TEXT function, mmm d,
yyyy, is a text argument specifically recognized by Excel. It specifies a pattern for converting
the serial date value returned by NOW into a text string. Text arguments can be text strings
enclosed in quotation marks or references to cells that contain text.
For more on text functions, see Understanding Text Functions on page 416.
Logical Values
The arguments to a few functions specify only that an option is either set or not set; you can
use the logical values TRUE to set an option and FALSE to specify that the option isnt set. A
logical expression returns the value TRUE or FALSE to the worksheet or the formula containing
the expression. For example, the first argument of the IF function in the formula
=IF(A1=TRUE,"Future ", "Past ")&"History" is a logical expression that uses the value in
cell A1. If the value in A1 is TRUE, the expression A1=TRUE evaluates to TRUE, the IF function
returns Future, and the formula returns the text Future History to the worksheet.
For more on logical functions, see Understanding Logical Functions on page 421.
Named References
You can use a range name as an argument to a function. For example, if you use the Insert,
Name, Define command to assign the name QtrlyIncome to the range C3:C6, you can use the
formula =SUM(QtrlyIncome) to total the numbers in cells C3, C4, C5, and C6.
For more on names, see Naming Cells and Cell Ranges on page 368.
You can use an array as an argument in a function. Some functions, such as TREND and
TRANSPOSE, require array arguments; other functions dont require array arguments but
do accept them. Arrays can be composed of numbers, text, or logical values.
For more on arrays, see Using Arrays on page 385.
Mixed Argument Types
You can mix argument types within a function. For example, the formula
=AVERAGE(Group1,A3,5*3) uses a range name (Group1), a cell reference (A3),
and a numeric expression (5*3) to arrive at a single value. All three are acceptable.
Inserting Functions
The easiest way to locate and insert built-in functions is by clicking the Insert Function
button. When you do, the dialog box shown in Figure 13-5 appears.
f13ie05 Figure 13-5. Find a function using the Insert Function dialog box.
Click the Insert Function button
to access any of Excels built-in functions
If youre not sure what function you need, enter a description of what you are trying to do
into the Search box. For example, if you enter I want to know how many cells contain values
and then press Go, the Insert Function dialog box returns a list of recommended functions,
similar to the list shown in Figure 13-6. As it turns out, the first function in the list of
suggestions fills the bill. If you dont find the function youre looking for, try rewording your
f13ie06 Figure 13-6. Ask a question in the Search box, and Excel suggests some possible functions
you can try.
You can also select a function category from the drop-down list to display all the applicable
functions available. Function categories include Financial, Date & Time, Lookup & Reference,
Text, and more. The Recommended category keeps track of any functions returned as a
result of using the Search box.
When you select a function, the syntax and a brief description appear at the bottom of the
dialog box. You can obtain help on a function selected in the Select A Function list by clicking
the Help On This Function link at the bottom of the dialog box. When you select a function
and click OK, Excel enters an equal sign to start a formula in the active cell, inserts the function
name and a set of parentheses, and displays the Function Arguments dialog box, shown
in Figure 13-7.
f13ie07 Figure 13-7. The selected function appears in the Function Arguments dialog box, where
you can find more information about the function and each selected argument.
Tip Shrink the Function Arguments
Drag the Function Arguments dialog box around on the screen if you need to see the cells
under it. For maximum viewing, shrink the dialog box by clicking one of the collapse buttons
at the right side of the argument boxes.
The Function Arguments dialog box contains one box for each argument of the selected
function. If the function accepts a variable number of arguments (such as SUM), the dialog
box grows as you enter additional arguments. A description of the argument box currently
containing the insertion point appears near the bottom of the dialog box. To the right of each
argument box, a display area shows the current value of the argument. This display is very
handy when you are using references or defined names, as the value of each argument is calculated
for you. The current value of the function (Formula Result) appears at the bottom of
the dialog box.
Some functions, such as INDEX, have more than one form. When you select a function from
the Insert Function dialog box that has more than one form, Excel presents the Select Arguments
dialog box, shown in Figure 13-8, in which you select the form you want to use.
f13ie08 Figure 13-8. If a function has more than one form, the Select Arguments dialog box
Tip Get quick assistance with arguments
Type an equal sign followed by the functions name in the formula bar and then press Ctrl+A
to display the Function Arguments dialog box (or the Select Arguments dialog box, if the
function has more than one form).
Why do I get a #NAME? error?
There are a few reasons for this error, but one of the more common is typing the function
name incorrectly. Heres a good habit to acquire if you type functions yourself: Use lowercase
letters. When you press Enter, Excel converts the name of the function to uppercase
letters if you entered it correctly. If the letters dont change, you probably entered the name
of the function incorrectly. If youre not sure of the exact name or if you continue to get
an error, perhaps its time to consult Help or use the Insert Function dialog box.
Inserting References and Names
As with any other formula, you can insert cell references and defined names into your functions
easily using the mouse. For example, to enter a function in cell C11 that averages the
cells in the range C2:C10, select cell C11, type =average(, and then select the range C2:C10.
A marquee appears around the selected cells and a reference to the selected range appears in
the formula. Then type the closing parenthesis. If you define named ranges, constants, or formulas
in your worksheets, you can insert them into your formulas. To do this, choose Insert,
Name, Paste, and then select the name you want in the Paste Name dialog box. When you
click OK, the name appears at the insertion point in the formula.