We need to know much more about the Range object since much of the programming work you do in Excel focuses on Range objects.
A Range object represent a range contained in a worksheet object. It can be as small as a single cell or as large as every cell on a worksheet.
You can refer to a Range object like this:
Workbooks("Budget.xls").Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1:D5")Or if the range has a name (created using Insert/Name/Define), you can use an expression like this:
Workbooks("Budget.xls").Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("QuarterlyExpenses")If Workbook Budget.xls and worksheet Sheet1 are currently active then you can simply write
Range("QuarterlyExpenses")A Range object can consist of an entire row or column. You can refer to an entire row (in this case row 3) by using syntax like this:
Range("3:3")You can refer to an entire column (column 4 in this example) like this:
Range("D:D")You can even work with noncontiguous ranges. (In Excel you select noncontiguous ranges by holding down the Ctrl key while selecting various ranges.) The following expression refers to a two-area noncontiguous range. Note that a comma separates the two areas.
Range("A1:B8,D9:G16")Range objects (like any other objects) contain other objects and have properties (which can be examined and changed) and methods (which perform actions on the object).