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Animation of the Vibration Modes of a Linear Triatomic Molecule

The eigenvalues and the corresponding eigenvectors are given by , , , and

From the eigenvector it is clear that the first mode corresponds to a vibrational pattern in which the atom in the middle is stationary while the atoms at the ends vibrate with the same amplitude but out of phase with each other.

The second mode corresponds to a situation in which the two atoms at the ends vibrate in phase with each other but out of phase with the atom in the middle. In the case of the mass ratio is greater than and so the amplitude of vibration is larger for the middle atom than for the atoms at the two ends.

Because , the eigenvalue is related to the square of the frequency of vibration. And since a cannot be negative, therefore and mode 2 must always have a higher frequency of vibration than mode 1. This can be seen in the animation.

For mode 2, as a is increased from , the amplitude of vibration for the middle atom becomes larger than those of the end atoms, and the frequency is increased. As a is decreased from towards 0, the amplitude of vibration for the end atoms becomes larger than that of the middle atom, and the frequency decreases and approaches that of mode 1. In fact in the limit that a goes to 0, the two modes become exactly the same mode. This can be seen easily in the animation if the amplitudes of vibration for the end atoms are kept the same for both modes while a is gradually decreased to 0.

The general vibration motion of the molecule in the center-of-mass system is a linear combination of mode 1 and 2. Since the ratio of the vibration frequencies of the modes is in general not a rational number, the general motion is aperiodic. Periodic motion occurs only when for . One should set and 4 to see that the vibration frequencies for mode 1 and 2 are indeed commensurate at these mass ratios..

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Fri Jun 6 15:29:34 EDT 1997