and NOTES |
Key Subtopics
Code on Website |
Python to C++
Basic C++ |
- Simple program
- Loops
- Conditions
- File I/O
- Vectors
- Structs
- Functions / parameter passing
- Reading in a file
- How NOT to read a file
- Reading a file into a vector
- Vector of objects that contain vectors
Classes |
- Member variables and functions
- Constructors.
- Const functions.
- Separating the class definition from the member function definitions.
- A simple Date Class
- Composition and association
- Dynamic array of pointers to objects.
and Association |
- address/location
- pointer variables
- address-of operator
- dereferencing operator
- pointer arithmetic
- new/delete
- Intro to addresses andpointers
Copy Control
Implementing the Vector
- Destructor
- copy constructor
- assignment operator
- Need for copy constructor.
- Vector class.
Separate Compilation
Include Guards
Cyclic Association
- header files and implementation files.
- include guard: #ifndef, #define and, #endif
- The class Date using separate compilation and a namespace.
Operator overloading |
- Why?
- Operator expressions as function calls.
- I/O operators
- Comparison operators.
- Friends
- What you can / can't do with operator overloading.
- Overloading operators for the Date class
Inheritance |
- Simple public inheritance.
- Protected access.
- Polymorphism.
- Virtual mechanism and virtual methods.
- Pure virtual methods and abstract classes.
- Multiple Inheritance
- Basic inheritance
- Order of constructors and destructors.
- Polymorphism
- Abstract Classes
Lists |
- Implement a toolkit for a singly linked list.
Recursion |
- Understanding recursive code
- Writing recursive functions
- Simple examples
- Binary Search
- Linked List toolkit using recursion.
STL - Standard Template Library |
- Containers (vector and list),
- Iterators
- Generic algorithms
- Some examples using the STL vector and list.
Exceptions and Assertions |