Required mathematical background: Matrix eigenvalues and eigenfunctions.

A study of the vibration modes of a linear triatomic molecule is used to elucidate the meaning of eigenvalues and eigenvectors in linear algebra.

Let , and be the masses of the atoms of a triatomic molecule. For simplicity, the motions of the atoms are constrained to lie along the x-axis. Their equilibrium positions are labeled by , and . At time t, the positions of the atoms as measured from their respective equilibrium positions are , and .

Assuming that the deviations of the atoms from their equilibrium positions are small compared with the interatomic separations, the potential energy function has the following form:

where is the spring constant connecting atom i and atom j.

The kinetic energy is

Newton's equations of motion


To further simplify the algebra, it is assumed that atoms 1 and 3 are identical and so and . For example, the system may represent a molecule. It is clear that the time dependence of the displacements must have the form , and so the following matrix eigenvalue problem is obtained:


with and . The eigenvalue gives a measure of the square of the vibration frequency. Matrix is because there are three atoms moving along a single direction. Therefore there are 3 eigenvalues which give three normal mode vibration frequencies. These eigenvalues are obtained from the equation

where is the identity matrix.

Expanding the determinant along the first column, for example, yields the equation

which can be factored to give

The eigenvalues are , and . The corresponding un-normalized eigenvectors can easily be found and they are

From the eigenvector it is clear that the first mode corresponds to a vibrational pattern in which the atom in the middle is stationary while the atoms at the ends vibrate with the same amplitude but out of phase with each other.

The second mode corresponds to a situation in which the two atoms at the ends vibrate in phase with each other but out of phase with the atom in the middle. Also the amplitude of vibration is larger for the middle atom than that of the end atoms.

Frequency of vibration of the third mode is zero and so it is clearly not a vibration at all. From the corresponding eigenvector, , it is obvious that this mode corresponds to a rigid translation of the entire molecule. This mode exists because there is no net force exerted on the center-of-mass of the molecule as a whole.
A more vivid picture of the first and second mode can be obtained by exploring the Java applet which shows an animation of these modes.

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    K. Ming Leung, Polytechnic University
    Sat Nov 16 16:00:43 EST 1996