Homework Assignments
Assignment 1
(Due Feb. 3 before class)
Assignment 1, problem 1 solution
Assignment 1, problem 2 script file
Assignment 1, problem 2 function file
Assignment 2
(Due Feb. 10 before class).
Assignment 2 solution
Assignment 3
(Due Feb. 17 before class).
Assignment 3 solution
Take a look at the following MATLAB programs.
(1) A straightforward iteration:
Straightforward iteration
(2) An iteration avoiding cancellation error:
Better iteration
Assignment 4
(Due March 3 before class).
Solution: Take a look at the following MATLAB programs:
Function for backward substitution using row access.
Script to run the above function.
Assignment 5
(Due March 17 before class).
Solution: went through in class.
Assignment 6
(Due March 31 before class).
Solution: Take a look at the following MATLAB programs:
This problem is ill-conditioned.
Assignment 7 (count as 2 assignments!)
(Due May 3 before class).
Here is a MATLAB function program that you need to generate graphs for the planet orbits:
Plotting a conic section from the orbital parameters.
Here is a skeleton MATLAB program for this assignment:
A skeleton program to facilitate writing this program.
Assignment 7 solution
Here is my MATLAB program:
Find the parameters for the orbit of a planet using
linear least squares.
The combined plots of various treatments and analyzes:
Trajectories of the planet based on the parameters obtained using different treatments.
Assignment 8
(Due May 4 before makeup class).
Here is my
MATLAB program
for this assignment, where you will also find the results and comments.